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Sub-Saharan Africa

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In Sub-Saharan Africa, declines in expression are outpacing advances

We have seen no Open countries in the region since 2018, when Ghana was the last country in the Open expression category. The largest proportion of the Sub-Saharan African population sits in the middle expression category (Restricted): more than one-third of the regional population live in these 9 countries. Freedom of expression in Sub-Saharan Africa is stagnant.

Every other region has seen a significant drop in expression over the last 10 years, but there has been no significant change in Sub-Saharan Africa over that timeframe.
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Declines in expression are outpacing advances in Sub-Saharan Africa 

Despite freedom of expression remaining stagnant on a regional level, on a country level, the declines in Sub-Saharan Africa are outpacing the advances. 


In the last year, 216 million people across 4 countries experienced a deterioration of their freedom of expression; no countries saw improvement.

The largest decline in the region took place in Burkina Faso (-24 points). This was also the largest decline globally.


In the last 5 years, 329 million people across 14 countries experienced a deterioration of their freedom of expression, while only 119 million people across 4 countries saw improvement.

The largest decline in the region between 2018 and 2023 took place in Burkina Faso (-31 points). Zambia saw a similar rise in score (+32 points) during the same period. 


In the last decade, 558 million people across 18 countries experienced a deterioration of their freedom of expression, while only 108 million people across 4 countries saw improvement.

Similar to the other timeframes, the largest decline over the last 10 years took place in Burkina Faso (-29 points).

The Gambia increased by 63 points between 2013 and 2023 – the biggest increase recorded over any timeframe.  
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An overview of the regional data, including scores, rankings, advances and declines – plus data download.
Data for 2023
Sub-Saharan Africa
A map of Sub-Saharan Africa with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
A map of the Americas with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Asia and the Pacific
A map of the Asia and the Pacific with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Europe and Central Asia
A map of Europe and Central Asia with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Middle East and North Africa
A map of the Middle East and North Africa with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Sub-Saharan Africa
A map of the Americas with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Asia and the Pacific
A map of the Asia and the Pacific with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Europe and Central Asia
A map of Europe and Central Asia with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Middle East and North Africa
A map of the Middle East and North Africa with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.

Regions (2023)

An overview of the regional data, including scores, rankings, advances and declines – plus data download.
Data for 2024
Sub-Saharan Africa
A map of Sub-Saharan Africa with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
A map of the Americas with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Asia and the Pacific
A map of the Asia and the Pacific with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Europe and Central Asia
A map of Europe and Central Asia with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Middle East and North Africa
A map of the Middle East and North Africa with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Sub-Saharan Africa
A map of the Americas with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Asia and the Pacific
A map of the Asia and the Pacific with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Europe and Central Asia
A map of Europe and Central Asia with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Middle East and North Africa
A map of the Middle East and North Africa with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.