Despite freedom of expression remaining stagnant on a regional level, on a country level, the declines in Sub-Saharan Africa are outpacing the advances.
In the last year, 216 million people across 4 countries experienced a deterioration of their freedom of expression; no countries saw improvement.
The largest decline in the region took place in Burkina Faso (-24 points). This was also the largest decline globally.
In the last 5 years, 329 million people across 14 countries experienced a deterioration of their freedom of expression, while only 119 million people across 4 countries saw improvement.
The largest decline in the region between 2018 and 2023 took place in Burkina Faso (-31 points). Zambia saw a similar rise in score (+32 points) during the same period.
In the last decade, 558 million people across 18 countries experienced a deterioration of their freedom of expression, while only 108 million people across 4 countries saw improvement.
Similar to the other timeframes, the largest decline over the last 10 years took place in Burkina Faso (-29 points).
The Gambia increased by 63 points between 2013 and 2023 – the biggest increase recorded over any timeframe.

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