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Europe and Central Asia

In crisis
Highly restricted
Less restricted
Countries per expression category
People per expression category
Europe and Central Asia is seeing a movement to the extremes: A growing number of people now live in countries that are either Open or in Crisis, with a clearer than ever contrast between the East and West of the region.

The decline in the region’s Human Score has accelerated over the last decade – but even with the drop in scores, all the countries with the top 10 Global Expression Scores are still in this region.
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Nearly half (49%) the countries in Europe and Central Asia have seen declines in their scores over the last decade.

Over the last year alone, scores declined in 6 countries, while only 1 country’s score advanced.

In the last 10 years, countries in the region saw a combined advance of just 27 points, while declines in country scores totalled 287 points – nearly on a par with Asia and the Pacific, a region with a comparable number of countries where we saw the largest combined decline in expression regionally.
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An overview of the regional data, including scores, rankings, advances and declines – plus data download.
Data for 2023
Sub-Saharan Africa
A map of Sub-Saharan Africa with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
A map of the Americas with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Asia and the Pacific
A map of the Asia and the Pacific with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Europe and Central Asia
A map of Europe and Central Asia with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Middle East and North Africa
A map of the Middle East and North Africa with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Sub-Saharan Africa
A map of the Americas with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Asia and the Pacific
A map of the Asia and the Pacific with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Europe and Central Asia
A map of Europe and Central Asia with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Middle East and North Africa
A map of the Middle East and North Africa with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.

Regions (2023)

An overview of the regional data, including scores, rankings, advances and declines – plus data download.
Data for 2024
Sub-Saharan Africa
A map of Sub-Saharan Africa with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
A map of the Americas with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Asia and the Pacific
A map of the Asia and the Pacific with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Europe and Central Asia
A map of Europe and Central Asia with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Middle East and North Africa
A map of the Middle East and North Africa with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Sub-Saharan Africa
A map of the Americas with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Asia and the Pacific
A map of the Asia and the Pacific with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Europe and Central Asia
A map of Europe and Central Asia with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.
Middle East and North Africa
A map of the Middle East and North Africa with different colour indicating freedom of expression scores.